Friday, August 31, 2007


Okay, so usually I've got a pretty strong stomach. I've also got a deep respect for cultures other than my own. However, I've just been introduced to the culinary micro-trend of ikizukuri.

Oh? You haven't heard of it? Perhaps you should keep it that way.

Ikizukuri is from Japan, and apparently it is making a comeback in the delicacy world. It's the "art" of preparing and serving fish- while it's still alive. Yup. Fish are sliced up, and kept alive, while the chef chops the filet into bite-sized pieces, arranges it artfully around (or in front of) the fish, and the dish is served- while the live fish is left staring at its own flesh being eaten.

Here's a clip of fish ikizukuri.

Here's a clip of frog ikizukuri.

Uggggggh....don't say I didn't warn you.


Anonymous said...

uhhh yeah. thanks for the warning. blech!

Tootsie said...

Gah, that just seems unnecessarily cruel. I'm not even going to look at the links.

Casdok said...
