Thursday, November 5, 2009

True love...again.

My kids were not invited to my sister's wedding.
What?!? You didn't know my sister got married?
Hmm... must've forgot to mention it.


We have 2 parties this weekend for the newlydreads, and I had to prepare Jaysen.
I knew he was going to have difficulty understanding that yes, Sissy is now married, and sorry, but nobody told you.

"Who is Sissy marry?"
"She married DB."

"Mommy... who did you married?"
"I married... your Dad."
"My Dad? My Daddy?
*shiver* "Yes, your daddy."

"Mommy... why did you married Daddy?"
* choke back the bile, choke back the bile.*
"Well, I married your Daddy because..*holycrap I really think I'm gonna barf*..we were in love."

"I'm going to get married."
"Yeah? Maybe one day you will..."
"No, I'm going to married Marissa."
"Marissa from your class?"
"Yep. We're falling in love."
"Uhh... Does Marissa know that?"
"We are in loooooooooove!"

And then he began to practice how he was going to ask Marissa to marry him.
Hope she knows how to make mac-n-cheese.


Corrie Howe said...

Oh, no! You are going to have your hands full with that one. Thinking about marriage and girls WAY too early.

Maybe this too with pass. ?????

Marla said...

Lol. Too funny. Love this post!

Missy said...

This reminds me of my son who thinks that I am not married to his Daddy because he didn't see it.